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ABOUT is a campaign for

 the Parliamentary Nationhood of the British people.


We campaign against 

the moral, social, economic, military, administrative, political, constitutional and governmental dis-integration

 of the United Kingdom.


2011 goes public in April and is the only campaign for the British Parliamentary Union and the repeal of legislative devolution.


2012 launches the only campaign against the unconstitutional and anti-parliamentary referendum on the existence of the United Kingdom (the referendum is referred to by the Conservative and Labour establishment - including the BBC - as the "Scottish independence" referendum as though there would be no effect on the existence of the United Kingdom) launched by the Conservative Party on the 8th of January 2012.


The referendum was a device (applicable to only 1/10 of the UK population and exercised on a franchise calibrated to provide the maximum "Yes" result for dissolution) used to sideline the 2010 general election decision (all 59 seats across Scotland voted to be represented in the British Parliament- there was no constituency abstention)to renew the unity of the United Kingdom.


2013 uniquely challenges the constitutional and political and legal status of the Scotland Act (Modification Order) (MO) 2013 through two Secretaries of State, Scottish Office, Constitutional Division, Advocate General's Department and the Constitutional Committee.

(Alistair Crmichael finally admits in 2014 the MO had "no effect" on MP's or their constituencies and consequently the referendum did not contain authority and was only a survey)


2014 continues to challenges government and civil service on the anti-parliamentary and unconstitutional character of a referendum on the existence of the United Kingdom.

(Neither the Conservative Party or Labour Party have claimed the referendum device does contain authority as this would immediately imply there are two sources of Authority (Authorities) in the United Kingdom at one time and challenge their Authority to govern if they gained a majority of seats in the House of Commons.)


2015 challenges the BBC Trust (Board of Governors) on the BBC's refusal to make public the limited character of the referendum even though it knew of the limitation.

(The complaint is recorded in the BBC Trust website)


2016 continues it's support for getting out the EU through parliamentary representation while opposing the EU Membership referendum device. expands it's campaign against the wider moral, social, economic, and political dissolution of the United Kingdom.


2017 supports the "Union Glue" ebook publication.


2018 supports the Speaking Tour for "Union Glue". is approached by a senior BBC executive to contribute to a television programme and then banned. is banned by many colleges and universities across the UK.


2019 further explores the moral, social and economic dissolution of British society (the throwing away and hollowing out of the UK's moral, social, economic and political elements) and presents reflections on it and continues it's unique defence of the parliamentary nationhood of the British people.


2020 opposes the Coronovirus Act 2020 and the "rollout" of the Experimental Material Injection. opposes the "Transformation" of cities and towns into reception sites for foreign force populations.


2021 opposes The Injection into the reproductive pool. opposes The Injection being issued to children.


2022 explores the arrival of The New Epoch.


2023 explores the impact of The Injection, The Occupation and The Atomisation.



Our Work Continues...