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  1. The Labour Party is breaking up over devolution. A new official party report in Scotland demands separation from the wider party and asserting the primacy of the Scottish Parliamentary constituency structure inside the party.
    The new arrangement will be decided unilaterally at a special Scottish Conference on 29th October 2011. A yes vote will mean a federal Labour association replacing the Labour Party at Westminster.

  2. Tuition fees in Scotland are paid from public funds ONLY if you are resident in Scotland (or are from the EU). If you are from any other part of the United Kingdom you have to pay £1800 it is now proposed that this be increased to £9000 per year. This is another devolution policy designed to break the unity of the British nation by setting one part of the nation against another. CRC supports a common policy for British students across the entire United Kingdom.

  3. When we vote in a general election we transmit our singular  authority into the MP (Their first job is to sit or not sit (Abstention) in the UK parliament). David Cameron was sent through election by the electors of Witney to sit in the UK Parliament. If he now declares that a referendum outcome is required to sit or not sit in the UK parliament then a referendum is required in Witney.

  4. On his visit to Scotland Mr Cameron must remind those demanding a referendum, that the unity of the United Kingdom is decided by electors exercising their electoral authority and sending (or not sending) their MP’s to Parliament not through a referendum. Mr Cameron himself was elected by the electors of Witney to sit in the British Parliament – the Union will be decided again at the next general election.

  5. The Scotland Act 1998 Schedule 5 explicitly prevents the Scottish parliament from dealing with the constitutional matter of the Union of the kingdoms of Scotland and England. 

    The Scottish Office have been contacted ...more information to follow.